Thursday, October 29, 2009

Curious Financial Disclosures

In the Daily Herald, an article of interest came up titled PAC files amended financial disclosures. [1] This article talks about how Taylor Oldroyd (CEO of the Utah County Association of Realtors, Chairman of the Utah County Republican Party, and leader of the PAC behind changed his financial report “showing fewer donations and no payments to consulting firm BCR Political.” [1] The original statement filed by Taylor Oldroyd showed that “60 percent of the listed expenditures, $3,644, went to BCR, which is also involved in several local races.” [1] What is the big deal about BCR Political being involved with a PAC devoted to unseating a current-seated city council member? Brian Chapman, John Curtis’ high-paid campaign manager ($14,027, to be exact), is an integral part of BCR Political. [2] Even more interesting is the fact that BCR Political also gives support services to Progress Provo, a PAC created by Councilman Steve Turley to unseat Councilwoman Cindy Richards from office. [4] Yet this is not all, Progress Provo who has received assistance from BCR Political and Brian Chapman is also receiving support from John Curtis. Mr. Curtis listed Progress Provo as one of his sponsors, meaning he believes in their cause and endorses them fully. [5]

This mad rush by both Taylor Oldroyd and Brian Chapman to call this debacle an “accounting issue” is no more than an outright lie. [1] From the time came online and the PAC started operations in Provo City, John Curtis sought to distance himself from his former campaign manager (yes that would be Taylor Oldroyd) by stating he was not a part of the PAC. In fact, he tried to say people thought he was involved “because some [people] saw the ‘’ signs near mine.” [3] Actually, Mr. Curtis, it wasn’t your campaign signs that raised people’s eyebrows, it was the fact that you paid Brian Chapman and BCR Political to head your campaign. Even more interesting is that the Utah County Association of Realtors was the “primary funding” for the campaign [1], which also happens to be directly supporting John Curtis’ campaign for mayor. [2]

The old saying ‘the chickens are coming home to roost’ is becoming a common adage for the Curtis campaign. Nearly one-third of Curtis’ campaign contributions came from outside of Provo City, and the list of special interest groups and PACs is staggering. [2] It is interesting that Mr. Curtis felt that he needed to outspend his opponent 2-to-1 in order to get his name known in the community, mainly through hiring dirty campaign managers who have their thumbs dipped into negative campaigning and PACs. When the pressure became too much for the campaign and efforts to follow the money trail, such as, started to show interesting alliances forming, Curtis’ campaign is now depending on the deception of an “accounting issue” to save face. Regardless of whether BCR Political and Brian Chapman are not involved with, they are still providing financial and professional support to Sterling Beck and Laura Cabanilla for council seats. And the cherry on top: both of these candidates are fully supporting John Curtis for Mayor of Provo. However, Mr. Curtis will try to tell you that he is not “running as a ticket” with other candidates, because he just believes “some of the candidates tend to line up with [his] political philosophy.” [3] Or are they harkening to the master’s call, those who are writing the checks, Mr. Curtis?

How many more outright lies can Curtis’ campaign keep feeding the people of Provo? When pressures become high and evidence begins to be laid out, Curtis’ campaign minions begin to espouse the ‘shrugging shoulders’ theory. Yet there is something you should know about municipal government and that is the words you can NEVER trust from elected leaders: “I never heard it; I never knew about it; it’s not my fault.” Brian Chapman, Taylor Oldroyd, BCR Political, Steve Turley, the Utah County Association of Realtors, PAC, Progress Provo, and John Curtis are all interrelated. They may try to cover up financial disclosures in an attempt to show there isn’t a major push of special interest in our community to get John Curtis elected to mayor (and other council candidates as well), but the truth is out there. John Curtis has surrounded himself not by the people of Provo, but rather the special interest of Provo. If this is your idea of Mr. Curtis being transparent, honest, and forthright about his campaign, then you have set your standards very, very low.




